Tag Archives: sci fi

31 Days of Horror: THE THING (1982)

An alien organism crash lands on the continent of Antarctica and is discovered by a Norwegian research facility. The Norwegians soon discover that the organism is a parasite that assimilates other organisms and imitates them to survive. With the Norwegians ultimately failing to stop the alien organism, it has now managed to infiltrate an American research […]

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COPPELION Review: Living in the Nuclear Wasteland

There is always something fascinating about watching or reading about dystopian worlds and the wonder of how somebody can manage to survive throughout there whether it be zombies, vampires and other miscellaneous creatures but then there is the nuclear aftermath and that’s how Coppelion comes in. Coppelion is a 2013 anime based on the manga series written by Tomonori Inoue […]

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GATCHAMAN CROWDS Review: Still Saving the World in the 21st Century

When you need a hero (or heroes) as there’s trouble afoot, who can you depend on to come to the rescue? Gatchaman! Reigning supreme over the Japanese children’s programming charts of the 1970s, Gatchaman fell into a nostalgic abyss by the turn-of-the-century, seemingly a long forgotten memory gone by. The well-known franchise has seen a slew of variations […]

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DUNGEON OF THE ENDLESS Preview: Worthwhile Rogue-Like Dungeon Defense

Rouge-like dungeon defense are a dime-a-dozen in today’s digital market. Unique rouge-likes are not. There are several worth while titles, such as Eldritch, Spelunky, Don’t Starve, Risk of Rain, FTL, and the upcoming Xbox One exclusive, Below. Dungeon of the Endless, the latest title for Amplitude Studios, stands right along side these genre heavies and […]

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Geek Holiday Buying Guide: Game, Anime, and Sci-Fi Nerd Gift Ideas

Being a wanting nerd is hard enough, but buying for one when you aren’t one yourself can be even worse. But don’t fret, Another Castle is here to help with your shopping woes. Listed below are a few of our handpicked favorites, perfect for that special nerd in your life. The Gamer — $100-$200  X […]

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The Doctor’s Day is Coming: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special

With less than a week before the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, the BBC has teased us with some preview shorts. We will soon find out what had happened during the Time War and what this “Not” Doctor or “War Doctor” has done. As much as this past season was filled with action and adventure, […]

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Ender’s Game Extended Preview

“The story itself, the true story, is the one that the audience members create in their minds, guided and shaped by my text, but then transformed, elucidated, expanded, edited, and clarified by their own experience, their own desires, their own hopes and fears.” — ‘Ender’s Game’, Orson Scott Card This truly is the year of […]

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Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver [Review]

So the children that Clara has been babysitting are blackmailing her to travel with the Doctor. However, no one is safe when the Cybermen are back seeking new recruits. The Cybermen are new and improved: they can move like the Flash. Still with no clue on who Clara is, this was actually a decent episode. […]

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Loot Crate ‘Cosmos’ [April Review]

        [Click here for next month’s Loot Crate review.] After my first Loot Crate — last month’s ‘Doctor’ themed crate — I was immensely excited for April’s; anticipating its arrival like a child through the month of December waits for Christmas. When my ‘Cosmos’ crate arrived, my roommate and I excitedly tossed […]

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Star Wars Rock: Unpacking Our Adjectives

One Minute Galactica have made another School House Rock inspired Star Wars remix video. This time, we’re learning how to unpack our adjectives. And in case you missed it, the original Star Wars Rock video: Interjections.

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